MY Support

  Everyday I am face with being my own support. Yes I have family where I live and they do the best they can to help me when it comes to my children. However, I am my own support. I have three children with a guy that I had a relationship for 13 yrs. I moved to the state I'm in  for him. Now that we are done he has moved away and barely helps when it comes to our children. All he does is pays child support and show up when he wants to. He is in a new relationship and the girl he date is nice but he still slack as a father. With that being said I am my biggest and only supporter. I have to do whatever I need to do, to provide for me and my children. When my family can't help I have to do whatever I need to do to for my children. The support I do rely on is my income. I barely make enough money as a single mom being an educator. However the child support I get helps a lot with the needs for my children. New clothes, shoes and activities they love to play. I am able to use what I get to help with those things. At this point in my life having no child support will hurt my pockets because as a single parent its very expensive and the money I make as a educator is a struggle. Support means giving assistance to something. So when there is no support I keep in mind to myself that I have to do for me and my kids and that I am all they have, when all else fails.


  1. I am so sorry that you are going through this. No one deserves to be treated like that. I hope that someday that you find someone and will take care of you the way you take care o your family. I understand the struggle of being an educator and trying to support a family because it is really hard to do even with two incomes it is too hard.

  2. Hi Imani
    I think you're one of the strongest women I have come into contact with. The post breaks my heart but I believe in You, the support from your children and job. You will surely find a greater support who will stick with you forever. Thanks for sharing. Great post!

  3. Hello, keep being strong and motivated to be the support for yourself and your children. I can understand not having anyone to help you with your children. My husband is in the Army and when he is gone I have no one else to rely on most times. We are on the opposite side of the country from our family and friends and I know how tough it can get not having any other supports or outlets.

  4. I'm so sorry you have to face these struggles! I have not been through that, so it is hard to put myself in your shoes. I'm proud of you for continuing your education to better yourself. Thank you for being vulnerable in your post.

  5. Hello, Sorry that you have no support but you sound like a strong woman that regardless is holding everything down and taking care of your children which is so important. I hope that you get whatever it is that you need and get someone to support you in your times of need I can't support you much but I can Pray for you and hope things get better.Remember you are doing a great job

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your challenges! The strength you gain from you experiences will inspire others to do the same, so keep going no matter what!


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