"My Connections to Play"

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Connect Four

  Growing up in the late 80's and early 90's, play was very essential to my childhood. Playing many board games and barbies was all I enjoyed doing, unless I was riding my bike. I grew up in Harlem, where we were allowed to be outside until it got dark but we, had to stay very close to the building we lived in. Parents were more into letting us play with the kids in the community and keep ourselves occupied without bothering them, that was their way of supporting playtime. As a parent I am way more active when it comes to my children playing, I engage more and I monitor the things that they do when they are playing alone. I think how we played as a child is different from children who play today. Technology has taken over, so children are barely interested in barbies and board games etc. As a child we didn't have the technology we have today, so our focus were still on toys. I don't think change will happen for today's kids, but I do feel as a parent its good to introduce different toys to your child, instead of them being stuck on technology. We have to change society on thinking not let society change us.


  1. Hey Imani
    I totally agree with your post. Play is very important and parents should keep eye on their children during play. Play is very different today but I believe as we enjoyed in our childhood so are children of today enjoying their modern play. The most important thing is children been giving ample time to play. Thanks for your post.


  2. HI Imani,
    I agree with growing up in the 90s we were outside until our parents told us it was time for dinner or until it was dark outside. We were always told not to bother them unless we were hurt, bleeding, or something was broken. I agree that technoogy has taken over because I notice kids have cell phones a lot younger than when we grew up.

  3. Imani,
    As a child I really enjoyed board games! They were very stimulating and I learned so much for my development. Often times we over the significance of certain type of games not realizing there is a lot to learn. A lot of those games we experienced should be incorporated on the young lives today! Thanks for sharing


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