Nutrition and Malnutrition

Image result for malnutrition picture of kids

Nutrition is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth (google). Malnutrition is lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating enough of the right things, or being unable to use the food that one does eat (google). Nutrition and Malnutrition are very important to me, because children everyday are born in the world and some are born in situations out of  their control example: a family who is homeless.I hate to see people starving especially children. I want to open up my own childcare facility. I want to make sure that all children in my care get nutrition meals. I also want to offer a free meal program for families who struggle to provide food for them and their children.

In several countries of the world like Ethiopia, Guatemala, Malawi, Peru, Madagascar, Tanzania and Nepal has the strongest commitment to combat malnutrition (World Vision Sept 26, 2012). There financial and lack of food and water supply is the reason why they can't provide nutrition meals for their families. How to end malnutrition is to donate food cans, water or even change to show that your willing to help. This is something I would love to do, when I open up my own facility. Send care packages to these countries that is suffering from malnutrition. Anything will help make a difference.

2.  (Sept 26,2012)


  1. When I think of children having proper nutrition I think of routine wellness checks. It absolutely breaks my heart to think of children being deprived of such basic needs. Malnutrition is something we dont see very much in America, thankfully, but where it is seen all around the world it is only accompanied by sadness and heartache. This is a topic/issue that I wish just did not exist.



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