
Showing posts from March, 2019

Personal Childhood Web

1. Deborah Vanderhorst (Mom) 2. Brent Wilkey (Dad) 3. Charise Pearson (Oldest Sister) 4. Dora Javier (Grandma) 5. Jack and Margaret Wilkey (Grandparents) Deborah Vanderhorst, is my mom. She was born in Philadelphia PA. My mom is a giving person and shows a lot of affection to her children. She loves to help people. My mom has taught me as a child how to be a giving person and how to show love to myself and others. I use her advice daily. Brent Wilkey is my Father. He was born in Bronx, New York. My father is a strong person, he very supportive and he believes in putting family first. My dad has taught me to speak my mind no matter what the circumstances and always remember family is important. I use these tools everyday of my life. Charise Pearson, is my oldest sister. We have the same mother but different fathers. Charise helped raise me. She is really the epitome of "It takes a village to raise a child". She helped my mom out by taking me to school and watching...
A favorite moment with an awesome student! I've worked with a student that no one believed would do well because he fell on the Autism Spectrum. However, I didn't take that stance and gave him the best of my teaching abilities. While in my class I was able to get him fully potty trained, get him to come into the classroom calmly, and build a level of self-control when upset or frustrated with calming exercises. His family was so happy and impressed that they even asked me to come into their home and care for him when they had to go out. Seeing him improve and do what the other students in the class could do at his pace, showed me that what I do is important. It was not easy but very well worth it. Watching students grow, learn, try, and push pass the difficult stuff; pushes me to give all I have to my students and families.
I like this book because the main character expresses himself to his mom about how he feels. It shows how children can be themselves and express there feelings in an appropriate way. 
One of my favorite quotes! "A PERSON'S A PERSON NO MATTER HOW SMALL" DR. SEUSS This quote speaks volumes to me. No matter how small your are, no matter how short or what ever area of life you may feel you have short comings, you are a person and deserve to be respected. This includes children of all ages.