
Showing posts from December, 2019


Topic: The Importance of Curriculum in Preschool Why is your simulation important to the field of early childhood?  Curriculum is important to the field of early childhood, because it gives children a structured foundation and promotes a higher learning for children developmentally. If you were to conduct your simulation proposal, who would benefit?  I believe the children are the ones who will benefit from my simulation proposal, because it will discuss the importance of curriculum in a preschool setting. What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?  Within this course I realized that you have to do a lot of reading, which I really am not a fan of, but I know it is a major asset to finding out information you need to know for early childhood education.

Research Around The World

Australia What are some of the current international research topics? Some of the current topics are about the early learning and the importance of it. Another topic is early mental health support. These topics you can find on their website. What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website? This website shows how they advocate for children. Their vision is that " Every Young Child is Thriving and Learning". I was was very impressed by what they offer from early childhood care to maternal and child health services. These are major things that are needed in a community. What other noteworthy information did you find on this website? I thought it was very informative how they tell you what their advocacy goals and values are. What is expected of them. I think this is very impressive and very good to know. So if you want to donate you can see where your money is going to. Reference ...